Category: Storytelling

  • A Christmas Story-‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

    A Christmas Story-‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

    A compelling and redemptive story of a runaway and his encounter on Christmas eve with a kind and mysterious old man. Based on an actual event .

  • Fireside Reads for Book Lovers

    Fireside Reads for Book Lovers

    Christmas, books and gift-giving go together like a cozy fire and a cup of hot chocolate. Being a book lover/storyteller/writer, I’ve got a few fireside book suggestions. Like me, you probably have a bookworm or two in your life. You can’t go wrong with the gift of a good book. Beware, you are about to […]

  • The Hayloft

    The Hayloft

    Grandpa’s barn and entry where one finds the stairs that lead to the loft. Cats and kittens are welcome on the farm. They even have their own ladder and window entry for their safety and convenience.

  • Outhouses I Have Known

    Outhouses I Have Known

    It may not have Wi-Fi, but it gets the job done. Outhouses are interesting. Mostly, they are interesting because they bring back memories. The most interesting of memories would be the ones connected to 30 degrees below weather, dead of winter, 8:30 PM…and it’s not only “cold outside” it’s dark outside. My siblings and I […]

  • Set the Scene and You Set the Mood

    Set the Scene and You Set the Mood

    Why is the setting in your story important? Your characters need a time and place in which to move. The setting answers the when and the where of your story, giving it a frame of reference. This adds authenticity and credibility to your storytelling. When you set the scene, you set the mood, the atmosphere. Spooky scene […]

  • Book Illustrations from Children’s Book on Asthma

    Book Illustrations from Children’s Book on Asthma

    I had a lot of fun creating some 20+ illustrations for an educational book on Asthma. Below are some of my illustrations. I sketched first, scanned my sketches and colored and created on Photoshop Elements.  Sofia, the husky in proof #10, 2nd row, middle  – the stages of drawing Carrie Wachsmann © Other samples of […]

  • An “In Light of Eternity” Story

    An “In Light of Eternity” Story

    His name was John We first met one afternoon when my husband and I stopped to shop for fresh vegetables at our local Fruiticana. He sat slouched on the sidewalk, wearing a dark hoodie covering most of his eyes, a small bag beside him and his back to the wall. He waved as we entered […]

  • Are Dragons Real?

    Are Dragons Real? Dragons Why are we so fascinated by these mythological, fire-breathing, mysterious, treasure-hording, cunning, terrifying, monster creatures? Wait. I think I just answered that question. But could dragons be real? Did you know the Bible has a lot to say about dragons? Isaiah 27: 1 (NASB) says: “In that day the Lord will punish Leviathan the […]

  • Where do you go when waiting in line?

    Where do you go when waiting in line?

    In my other world – storytelling Some time ago, I was waiting in line at the TD bank, deep in thought, when the person behind me kindly let me know teller #3 was trying to get my attention. I jolted back into reality, then smiled and offhandedly said, “Thank you… I was in my other […]

  • Treasure Trap – “You’re not too young to read it… you’re not too old.”

    Treasure Trap – “You’re not too young to read it… you’re not too old.”

    Treasure Trap is the sequel to my first novel called The RYDER.  ( visit for the background story to the series) As one grade 6 student who enjoyed The Ryder said … “You’re not too young to read it and you’re not too old to read it.” The same goes for Treasure Trap. Let’s take […]

  • For the Love of Books

    For the Love of Books

    Just a few of the books on my bookshelf. Do you love books? I am not talking about just any kind of books. I’m talking about the kind of books you can hold in your hand – with a cover and pages that you can feel and turn. The kind of book you can put […]

  • Time to Play in the Dirt – How to Plant Outdoor Potted Flowers

    Time to Play in the Dirt – How to Plant Outdoor Potted Flowers

    Growing up in a small farming community in southern Manitoba meant one had to learn how to grow a garden. I am blessed… my mother (and grandmother and great-grandmother) excelled in gardening, growing both vegetables and flowers – naturally and organically. Our yard was the flower showcase of the town. The older I get, the […]

  • Read & Write by Candle Light to Step-up Your Writing

    Read & Write by Candle Light to Step-up Your Writing

    So…how will reading and writing by candlelight step-up my writing? There was a time when this antiquated practice was the one and only option. But today??!! Is this really necessary? Certainly not. But why not humor me? Something doesn’t have to be necessary, to be effective. Doesn’t simply the thought – the visual, translate you […]

  • Why Do We Love Fairy Tales ?

    Why Do We Love Fairy Tales ?

    My rendition of “Little Red Riding Hood” © – Pencil sketch & colored in Photoshop Good Fairy tales are DANGEROUS and often FRIGHTENING!! So why then, do we love fairy tales so much? The TV show – Once Upon A Time, has captured many a fairy tale/fantasy fan’s time and attention. I admit I am […]

  • A Funny Memory Worth Remembering

    A Funny Memory Worth Remembering

    This funny happening,  happened several years ago – and still makes me laugh. I went to my local House of Fine Art (HOFA) store for some Alizarin, Crimson artists’ oil paint. At the time of this humorous occurrence, I was a frequent visitor to this fine little art store. The owner was the president of our […]